We’d love to see you on Oct 22, 5pm at The Nest on Granville Island, Elee is hosting the Vancouver Writers Fest event #66 Blending Genres with Tara McGuire, Stuart Ross, and recent VMI Mentor Jonina Kirton…especially because at the end of the event Rachel is introducing the VMI Betsy Warland Between Genres Award and asking VMI mentor and judge Susan Olding to speak about the finalists and announce the winner! Tickets here: https://writersfest.bc.ca/festival-event-2022/66
VMI Q&A on Zoom
APPLICASTION DEADLINE SOON!! Our deadline for applications to the Six-Month and the VMI Wosk Fellowship is Nov 9 so this is a great chance for people to learn about VMI. If you have students, friends, associates who might benefit from this one hour Zoom, please share this invite with them.
And while you are welcome to attend, you are not expected to.

“VMI Q&A on Zoom. Find out more about Vancouver Manuscript Intensive’s mentoring options: Six Month Intensive, VMI Pro, VMI Wosk Fellowship, SOLOs. Join Elee Kraljii Gardiner and Rachel Rose on Sunday Oct 16 at 12pm PST. RSVP to info@vancouvermanuscriptintensive.com
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