Dear Readers and Writers, Are your working on a memoir? Can you think of some events or experiences that have narrative–and perhaps even poetic–potential? If you have three Saturdays to spare this fall, consider signing up for Betsy’s upcoming...
Dear Friends, Oscar’s Salon is taking a break in August. In lieu of a monthly excerpt, Betsy a.k.a Oscar invites you, via a series of six short videos, to visit “unofficial Oscar sights” — places that didn’t make it into the book, Oscar...
This week has been a whirlwind for Betsy, who took her latest book, Oscar of Between: a Memoir of Identity and Ideas, to Toronto for two readings. The first, on June 13th, was with Across No. 3. Organized by Margaret Christakos, this event featured 6 writers, as well...
Toronto friends: You have two opportunities this month to hear Betsy Warland read from Oscar of Between, a critically acclaimed memoir that crosses boundaries of all kinds–genre and gender, to name but two–and examines the concept and state of being that...
Do you plan to attend the Writer Studio’s Reading Series at Cottage Bistro this coming Thursday? Betsy will be the featured reader, and it may be your last chance to hear her read from her critically acclaimed book, Oscar of Between: A Memoir of Identity and...
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