Dear Novelists,
Here’s a fantastic opportunity for you. Mother Tongue Publishing invites you to submit your manuscript to the 4th Great BC Novel Contest by August 1st, 2017.
The contest is open to all writers in British Columbia. Your novel must be completed and unpublished to be eligible, and you cannot submit it anywhere else during the time of the contest.

Enter the Great BC Novel Contest
(photo: Roman Kraft)
A shortlist, chosen by John Lent, will be announced in October 2017, and the winner will be selected in December 2017 by Audrey Thomas.
What’s in it for you? A publication contract, the opportunity to work with a professional editor, a $1000 advance, book launches and media coverage.
So go ahead and send them that novel manuscript. For submission guidelines and additional information about this contest, go to Mother Tongue’s website.
Good luck.
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