I am happy to announce that I will be offering one workshop and 5 individual consults between February and July, and a final additional workshop in October. These opportunities are specifically for Vancouver writers with lived experience of mental health +/- substance use issues and will be offered for free. This is part of Professional Artistic Growth Made Accessible, a community partnership project funded by VCH’s Consumer Initiative Fund.
Registration is now open for the free individual consultations. This will be an opportunity to discuss your writing and get constructive feedback. It is meant for individuals who have some experience writing and are interested in developing their craft. All genres welcome, including those that include a visual component. The consult time includes reviewing up to 5 pages of writing.
Email Seema at seema.outsider@gmail.com to receive a registration form. Please put “writing consult” in the subject line.
**For more info or if you have any questions, please contact Seema.**

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