News and Events
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Panel on the Evolution of Creative Nonfiction
I'm delighted to be part of an upcoming panel on the evolution of creative nonfiction, presented as part of the Creative Nonfiction Collective's online festival, Reconciling Truth. The...
Panel on the life and work of Gertrude Stein
I'm thrilled to be moderating a free discussion on the life and work of Gertrude Stein. It will be held at 5PM on Nov 30 at SFU Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, 149 W Hastings. I'll be joined...
I’m on Writers Radio – take a listen!
I'm grateful to have had the chance to be in conversation on Writers Radio, an audio space for all things writerly. In our conversation, I spoke about my personal quest to understand and articulate...
Upcoming deadline – Vancouver Manuscript Intensive
The deadline to apply for the Six-Month Intensive and the Yosef Wosk VMI Fellowship is fast approaching! Apply by November 9th, to be considered for the 2025 programs. A current mentor with...
Register for Vancouver Manuscript Intensive Workshops!
There are three new and exciting workshops being delivered by Patrick Lucas and Mark L. Winston for Vancouver Manuscript Intensive! The first of these workshops is coming up this month. On Saturday,...
Apply! Nov 9 Deadline for Vancouver Manuscript Intensive Programs
VMI is an in-depth one-to-one mentorship program that pairs you with a professional author to develop your manuscript to its fullest potential. Every writer is different, and VMI honours that...
In Memory of Darrel J. McLeod
These photos are from a writing retreat I lead where Darrel was a participant. He was working on his first book, Mamaskatch. I had first met him years earlier when he took my memoir course and it...
Bloodroot in the Vancouver Sun
Tom Sandborn's review of the second edition of Bloodroot: Tracing the Untelling of Motherloss is deeply moving. I'm grateful for his care and thoughtfulness in reading and engaging...
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