June 4, 2012 Art Song Lab

I am a guest artist at the upcoming Art Song Lab with the Vancouver International Song Institute (VISI). The Lab is a meeting place for groundbreaking studies in the interpretation and performance of ART SONG. On June 4, 2:30–4:30 pm, at the Canadian Music Centre, I...

May 26, 2012 The Writers’ Union of Canada’s Conference

I will be moderating at the Writers’ Union of Canada’s 2012 Conference and AGM coming up in Vancouver. The conference will be a day of great workshops featuring authors from across the country. One of the panels I am hosting is: 11:00 am to 12:15 pm First-time Book...

Fall 2011 at SFU: The Poem’s Story and Silence

  The Poem’s Story and Silence Investigate the peculiar, seemingly contradictory ability of poetry to tell story while speaking through silence. Through discussions, examples and in-class exercises, identify whether and how to improve your poems by increasing the...

Fall 2011 at Hollyhock: Workshop

Writing the Between This writing workshop is designed for writers working on writing projects or manuscripts that incorporates various forms of betweeness, whether it be genres, identities, a story you know yet do not know, modes of perception or languages. A...

May 4, 2011 reading and Q&A

Betsy will be reading from Breathing the Page, and holding a Q&A session and conversation about writing ideas. Date: May 4, 2011 Time: 7:00–8:30 pm Place: Ardea Books & Art, 2025 W.4th Avenue...

April 23, 2011 Seminar in Victoria

Betsy Warland will be hosting a seminar – The Writer in the Editor – in Victoria. Sponsored by the Professional Editors Association of Vancouver Island (PEAVI), here are the details: Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011 Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Place: Intrepid Theatre...

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