I am the featured poet along with Mercedes Eng in the Lunch Poems at SFU Reading Series, Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings Street on April 17th, noon to 1PM, in the Teck Gallery. Join us!
Victoria April 12th: I am reading at the Poems from Planet Earth book launch at The Moka House 7:30 P.M. #103-1633 Hillside Avenue, Victoria, B.C. More details at https://planetearthpoetryvictoriabc.blogspot.ca/ Poems from Planet Earth is a round-up of poems from...
May 11th 2013 “Writing the Between” Betsy Warland’s Salt Spring Island Workshop & Reading All-genre workshop 10AM – 5PM Reading by Betsy and participants 7PM Workshop Sponsor: Salt Spring Island Library Reading Co-sponsors: S.S.I. Library and S.S. Theatre Alive...
March 8, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m Inhabiting Women’s Spaces (Vancouver Public Library-Central) Four women writers explore how women inhabit space: Marilyn Bowering, Sandra Djwa, Kathy Mezei, and Kate Braid read followed by discussion moderated by Betsy...
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