Upcoming workshops in Edmonton, Nov 29-30

Join me in Edmonton on November 29 and 30 for two workshops: Trust Each Narrative’s Requirements: During this presentation, we’ll discuss several methods of identifying and trusting each narrative’s idiosyncratic requirements Work with Contradictions in your...

Upcoming course with Betsy – Memoir of Inquiry

A memoirist is a lifelong student in the ways of memory. He or she is intrigued by their memories, the memories they share with others, and the collective memory that shapes us all. In this discussion-based course, we’ll focus on memoir writing not only as a...

Congratulations, Elise!

Congrats to Elise Bayle, who was the lucky winner of our September draw. Elise won a 2-hour manuscript consultation with Betsy. All our betsywarland.com newsletter subscribers were automatically entered in the draw, as well as all new subscribers for the month of...

Application deadline for VMI 2014 is November 4th!

Now in its eighth year, Vancouver Manuscript Intensive (VMI) teams you up with an established author who helps you develop your manuscript through one-on-one editorial consultations. Unlike other programs, your VMI mentor reads and assesses your entire manuscript at...

Win a 2-hour manuscript consult with Betsy!

Win a 2-hour manuscript consult with Betsy this fall! Subscribe to betsywarland.com, and receive updates on Betsy’s readings, workshops and the popular literary discussion blog Oscar of Between. For the month of September, all new subscribers will be entered in...

“Writing the Between” – September 28, 2013

All-genre workshop 10AM – 5PM in New Westminster Betweenness is usually something to avoid – the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place – yet writers need to engage with it. Whether it’s between doubt and confidence, cultures, drafts, languages,...

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