VMI graduate nominated for BC Book Prize

Kathryn Para’s novel, Lucky, has been nominated for the Ethel Wilson Fiction Award! Kathy is a graduate of the VMI 2012 and her mentor was Cathleen With. Read the Vancouver Sun’s  review of Kathy’s novel. Read about this year’s short-listed...

Another VMI grad signs a publishing deal!

The collection of poems, Average Height of Flight: A Companion Piece that Beth Kope worked on (with me) in VMI 2011 will be published by Caitlin Press in late 2014 or spring 2015. For more details about the annual Vancouver Manuscript Intensive that I offer, please...

My new writing desk

What do I have in common with writers like Woolf, Hemingway and Roth? A standing writing desk. I’ve wanted one for years. Finally I was able to co-design my desk with fellow writer, wood artist and custom furniture maker Ivan Antoniw. The three different writing...

Upcoming all-genre workshop with Betsy in Montreal

Writing the Between a special Montreal event February 22, 2014 All-genre workshop 10am – 5pm   Cost: $90 for 6 hours Register by: February 15, 2014 Contact: Betsy Warland Participants: writers, journalists, memoirists, visual artists—anyone published or...

Oscar’s Salon is one year old!

Hello readers and writers of Oscar’s Salon, Oscar’s Salon is one year old! We began in December, 2012. It’s turned out an arduous undertaking yet, a most satisfying publishing experience. You, dear reader, are no small part of that. Your appreciative comments,...


I had the great pleasure of being part of a collaborative dinner party with a number of other women authors the other night. Our host, Claudia Casper, asked us each to reflect for a few minutes on our relationship with storytelling. This proved to be an incredibly...

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