Upcoming course with Betsy — Memoir of Inquiry

A memoirist is a lifelong student in the ways of memory. He or she is intrigued by their memories, the memories they share with others, and the collective memory that shapes us all. In this discussion-based course, we’ll focus on memoir writing not only as a...

September Workshop in Nanoose Bay, BC

Listening to Your Manuscript Workshop September 19th – 21st, 2014 Nanoose Bay (near Nanaimo), BC This is Betsy’s first Master Class for writers who are well into working on a manuscript. She will be offering her most current thinking inspired by her manuscript...

VMI 14 Reading on Sunday June 15th

You are invited to join us at our June 15th Vancouver Manuscript Intensive 2014 Reading beginning at 3PM at the Havana Café Theatre, 1212 Commercial Drive between Charles and William Street. Five diverse and dynamic nonfiction writers and poets – Christine Hayvice,...

June Workshop in Nanoose Bay, BC

Working with Contradictions in Your Writing June 27 & 28, 2014 All-genre workshop, Nanoose Bay, BC Writers inevitably encounter contradictions no matter which genre we are working in. Whether apparent or hidden, small or substantial, contradictions arise and are...

June Workshop in Vancouver, BC

Writing the Between Writer’s Workshop in Vancouver Friday, June 20th (eve) & Saturday June 21, 2014 Betweeness is something we usually seek to avoid – it evokes the devil and the deep blue sea, or a rock and a hard place – yet all writers need to engage with it....

Behind the scenes of Oscar’s Salon

In February I was excited to add a new monthly “voice” in Oscar’s Salon – a Featured Reader. This addition has made the salon complete as readers often tell me they enjoy the salon but are too shy to comment. They now have a presence. It’s also time to make present...

Work With Betsy


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