Genre-bending: The Many Ways to Tell True Stories

Genre-bending: The Many Ways to Tell True Stories

The 2019 CNFC conference will take place from June 14 to 16 in Vancouver at UBC’s Point Grey Campus. At CNFC this year, Betsy Warland is a panelist on “Genre-bending: The Many Ways to Tell True Stories,” alongside Helen Humphreys, Chelene Knight, Betsy...
Workshop: The Use of Inquiry and Imagination in Memoir Writing

Workshop: The Use of Inquiry and Imagination in Memoir Writing

For CanWrite! 2019, Betsy Warland will offer a workshop on the role on inquiry and imagination in memoir. Imagination and inquiry are essential aspects of writing a memoir as engrossing as a good novel. Betsy will introduce you to some of these key strategies and...
Workshop: Federation of BC Writers Workshop with Betsy Warland

Workshop: Federation of BC Writers Workshop with Betsy Warland

Betsy Warland will offer a manuscript consultation workshop at the Federation of BC Writers’ Spring Writes Festival in May 2019. As writers, we are now almost solely responsible for our manuscript going through an in-depth editing process regardless of whether a...
Workshop: Memoir as Muse with Betsy Warland

Workshop: Memoir as Muse with Betsy Warland

Canadian Authors–Victoria organizes writing events in Victoria, BC. We are affiliated with the Metro Vancouver Branch and are part of the Canadian Authors Association, which encourages and inspires writers of all genres. We offer aspiring, emerging, and professional...
Body and Soul: Stories for Skeptics and Seekers | VPL Launch

Body and Soul: Stories for Skeptics and Seekers | VPL Launch

Have you ever had questions about faith or religious practice? On March 13 at VPL, join Susan Scott, editor of Body and Soul: Stories for Skeptics and Seekers and an all-female panel of contributors including Dora Dueck, Pam Johnson, Jonina Kirton, Lori McNulty, Betsy...

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