These photos are from a writing retreat I lead where Darrel was a participant. He was working on his first book, Mamaskatch. I had first met him years earlier when he took my memoir course and it was immediately clear to me that Darrel had a compelling memoir to...
Tom Sandborn’s review of the second edition of Bloodroot: Tracing the Untelling of Motherloss is deeply moving. I’m grateful for his care and thoughtfulness in reading and engaging with the text. He says...
I would love to invite you to this very special event! I’m thrilled to be reading from my work and speaking with Jen Currin, who is this year’s 2SLGBTQIA+ curator for Word Vancouver. The event will be held at Container Brewing from 7-8:30PM PDT on July...
Summer Writing ChallengeWhen: 15 Jul 2024 8:30 AM, PDTWhere: Zoom Register Now. EVENT DETAILS: The Summer Writing Challenge has been designed in partnership between the Federation of BC Writers, Pulp Literature, and The Writer’s Studio...
In the 70s, an Indigenous writer friend Beth E. Brant taught me a core teaching about writing: “Stay behind the medicine,” not in front of, not even beside it: follow it. Gratitude and respect for Indigenous writers who are leading the way more than ever....
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