Winner of the New Subscriber Contest

Thank you to all of our new subscribers for signing up to our newsletter and to all of our long-term subscribers for sharing the news about our contest. The winner of the draw was Catherine Newstead. Her prize is a 3 hour one-on-one manuscript consultation with Betsy....

Upcoming course with Betsy — Memoir of Inquiry

A memoirist is a lifelong student in the ways of memory. He or she is intrigued by their memories, the memories they share with others, and the collective memory that shapes us all. In this discussion-based course, we’ll focus on memoir writing not only as a...

September Workshop in Nanoose Bay, BC

Listening to Your Manuscript Workshop September 19th – 21st, 2014 Nanoose Bay (near Nanaimo), BC This is Betsy’s first Master Class for writers who are well into working on a manuscript. She will be offering her most current thinking inspired by her manuscript...

Work With Betsy


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