Sign Up for Betsy’s Workshop in Beautiful Wells, BC

Sign Up for Betsy’s Workshop in Beautiful Wells, BC

You’ve written a good part of your narrative and you’ve polished your prose or your verses. But it still doesn’t seem quite right. How do you organize all the pieces you’ve worked so hard on? Which structure will give the most life to your...
Herizons Interviews Betsy Warland

Herizons Interviews Betsy Warland

Dear Readers and Writers, What is “a memoir of ideas”? That’s one of the questions that Tara-Michele Ziniuk asks in her interview with Betsy about her latest book, Oscar of Between: A Memoir of Identity and Ideas for the spring issue of Herizons...
Come Celebrate Vancouver Manuscript Intensive 2017 Grads

Come Celebrate Vancouver Manuscript Intensive 2017 Grads

Join us for our Vancouver Manuscript Intensive celebratory public reading of prose and poetry on June 4th from 3-5pm at the Havana Cafe Theatre (on 1212 Commercial Drive). This year, we have so many successful grads, that the room cannot accommodate all of their...

Want to be Betsy’s social media and blog post manager?

Dear Friends, My name’s Eleni and I’m Betsy Warland’s current social media and blog post manager. It’s been a blast working with her over the last year–she has listened to and implemented many of my ideas, and really made me feel like a...

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