Inhabiting Women’s Spaces @ VPL on March 8, 2013

March 8, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m Inhabiting Women’s Spaces (Vancouver Public Library-Central) Four women writers explore how women inhabit space: Marilyn Bowering, Sandra Djwa, Kathy Mezei, and Kate Braid read followed by discussion moderated by Betsy...

Manuscript Madness in Victoria: July 1 – 5, 2013

Manuscript Madness with Betsy Warland, Instructor July 1 – 5, 2013 Truism # 1: most creative writers are interested in writing a manuscript. Truism # 2: writing a manuscript can drive us a bit mad! A 5-day workshop for writers of manuscripts at all stages held by the...

January 13, 2013 – Dead Poets Reading Series

I’ll be reading a selection of Adrienne Rich’s poems in the Dead Poets Reading Series on January 13th from 3-5pm at Project Space, 222 East Georgia Street in Vancouver. For more information, see...

Workshop with Betsy in Toronto Dec 14-15, 2012

Betsy Warland’s “Writing The Between” Toronto Workshop December 14th (eve) & 15th  (day)       DESCRIPTION: This unique workshop is invigorating and illuminating for authors and emerging writers of all genres. As writers, we are often faced with various kinds...

Applications now available for VMI 2013

Here is an opportunity to work with Betsy Warland! Applications are now being accepted for the Vancouver Manuscript Intensive (VMI). The program is in its seventh year and will run from January to May 2013. Application deadline is November 12, 2012. All details can be...

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