Betsy Warland’s
“Writing The Between”
Toronto Workshop
December 14th (eve) & 15th  (day)    


This unique workshop is invigorating and illuminating for authors and emerging writers of all genres.

As writers, we are often faced with various kinds of betweeness. Although betweenness is typically considered to be something to avoid – the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place – it is actually a dynamic site from which to write; from which to deepen the narrating voice.

Betweenness can be between doubt and confidence, cultures, drafts, languages, time frames, genres, between writing projects or different art forms, between conflicting shared memories, identities, what we’ve written and are afraid to write, truth and fiction,

Betsy will establish a conceptual framework, use examples, and provide a series of exercises to enable you to identify and access the greater narrative potential to be found in writing into and out of the betweenness in your writing.

By design, space is limited. To ensure your participation in the workshop – register early.

Cost: $150 per participant

Registration and payment deadline: November 30th, 2012 deadline extended to December 4th, 2012

Location: central Toronto TBA

Contact: Andrea at

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